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Ulytau region
Regional center: Zhezkazgan city
Districts: Ulytau, Zhanaarka
City administrations: Zhezkazgan, Satbaev, Karazhal
Akim of the region: Berik Abdigaliuly
Creation date: June 8, 2022
Land area: 188.9 thousand km² (5th place)
Population: 221,395 (2023)

Ulytau region – was formed on June 8, 2022. District in the center of Kazakhstan. The administrative center is the city of Zhezkazgan. The land area is 188.9 thousand square meters. km. The number of inhabitants is 221,395 people (according to the 2023 census).

On March 16, 2022, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, in his address to the people of Kazakhstan at a joint meeting of the chambers of parliament, stated that the Ulytau region would be created from part of the Karaganda region, the region.

The region was formed on June 8, 2022 according to the decree of the President of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that its territory is smaller than the territory of the former Zhezkazgan region (until 1997 it also included the Shet, Aktogay districts, the cities of Balkhash and Priozersk).

History of the Ulytau region

Ulytau is an ancient settlement, old-timers. Today it is the basis of the success of the world famous Kazakh people. Yesterday’s Kerey and Zhanibek separated from Abilkayr, took their country with them, and Ulytau was taken to the front, they took their country with them. This is not a phenomenon caused only by dissension between brothers, as some say and write. This is longing for the smoke of the Golden Horde, whose banner fell on the pedestal of history, this is longing for the remnants of the ancient people, this is the veneration of the perfect state of past years, which subjugated half the world. power.

Ulytau, known as the “navel people” and reviving national identity, in recent years striking scientists, journalists and tourists with its deep history, deserves certain praise. Ulytau is “the cradle of the Kazakh people”, “the golden navel of nomadic folk culture, steppe civilization”.

Ulytau is a land with a long history, which keeps the ancient secrets of ancient times. It impresses everyone with a large number of ancient and diverse beautiful monuments. From the holy place, which inspired our ancestors with its amazing beauty and fertility, you can find thousands of tools of the first people, products of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, near springs and grassy plains.

In the remains of the ancient Ulytau turguids there are metal furnaces from the mountains, a method of casting metal into molds – three thousand years ago, local tribes mined and processed copper, tin, silver, gold and used it in Iran, India, Greece, etc. . to those who are exported to countries the only evidence. Herodotus, who is called the “father of history”, confirms this in his writings. Metal production centers such as Yelukudyk and Sorkudyk, which lived in the Bronze Age, did not stop their production until the late Middle Ages.

No wonder Joshi, the eldest son of Genghis Khan, permanently settled here. Here Batu began his campaign, bringing Eastern Europe to its knees. In Ulytau, there are enough architectural monuments associated with the descendants of Genghis Khan. These are the graves of Joshi, Kutlyk-Temir, Bolgan Ana, Kelin-Tam. In this field, according to legend, the famous “Aksak Kulan” (XIII century) was born, who brought the death of his son Joshi to Genghis Khan.

Ulytau is located in a favorable geographical position. One of the main branches of the Great Silk Road called “Sarysu” or “copper road” passed through Ulytau. This is evidenced by dozens of caravanserais, fortresses, feudal fortifications and watchtowers located along the caravan route. The results of archaeological research conducted in the cities of Bakamyr, Joshi-Orda, Akakamyr, Orda-Bazar showed that urban culture, crafts, and trade developed in these settlements. According to scientists, this trade route appeared before the Great Silk Road and persisted until the thirties of our century, contributing to the development of the culture of this region. Nature itself endowed this place with countless treasures. Firdousi perfectly described the Ulytau region in his epic poem “Shahnameh”. In the 6th century, the Arab traveler Al-Idrisi described wonderful views of Ulytau in his manuscripts. The story of the Kazakh people about Ulytau is also told in “Er Tostik”. When the famous Asankaigy traveled to many corners of Saryarka in search of a good place for the country, Ulytau caught his eye. Academician Kanysh Satbayev called the Ulytau steppe a treasure of Kazakhstan. After all, most of the elements of the periodic table were found in the bowels of the Ulytau region. The modern event of the century – the flight of man into space – is also associated with Ulytau – the space region of Baikonur.


Ulytau region borders on Turkestan in the south, Kyzylorda in the southwest, Zhambyl region in the southeast, Aktobe region in the west, Kostanay in the northwest and Karaganda in the north and east.


Due to its location in the middle of the continent, at the navel of Eurasia, the internal waters of the Ulytau region lie in a closed basin. Only the Terisagkan River is a tributary of rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean. Many rivers originate from Ulytau, although in summer their waters rise and overlap. Sixty-four branches of Torgai and thirty-four branches of Kengir provide the needs of the population of the region in water. There are also many large and small, bitter and salty lakes.

The rivers are fed by snow, groundwater and atmospheric precipitation. The riverbeds are mostly filled when the snow melts. High water occurs from the second half of April to the first half of May. At this time, 80-90 percent of the annual water supply of rivers flows.

The largest river in the region is the Karakengir. Its length is 350 km, the area of the valley is 16,700 km, the average annual flow reaches 2.1 cubic meters per second. The Terisagkan River originates from Mount Zheldiadyr and flows through the territory of the neighboring Akmola and Kostanay regions. In the land of Ulytau, the banks are steep, the mountains between the gorges, and after passing through the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn valley, the valley begins to expand. All large and small rivers originating from the south-west of the Ulytau region belong to the Aral basin. These rivers, originating from mountain gorges, are divided by mountain ranges into several closed basins. The most important tributaries of the Torgai River are: Sarytorgai, Karatorgay, Zaldama Torgai, Sabasaldi Torgai, Karynsaldi Torgai, Ashudast Torgai, Aktasty Torgai and others.

The rivers of the Ulytau valley have a particularly beneficial effect on nature. Natural oases (oases) can be found in river valleys that cross deserts and deserts. Numerous small groves of willows, poplars, birches, sedges, reeds, reeds and many types of herbaceous plants grow and add to the beauty of the land. In such valleys, the animal world is also quite rich.

In the gorges of Ulytau there are small lakes that reveal the amazing nature of the mountain. They add beauty to the beauty of the mountain. The people have long called Shaitankol, the lake to which the road leads, starting from Serla in winter.

There is also a large amount of underground water in the region. They are a reliable source of fresh water. Groundwater in the area occurs at different depths. There are several large artesian basins (groundwater) in the Ulytau region. Sarysu-Betpakdala (reserves of 206 billion cubic meters), Mynbulak (180 billion cubic meters) and Ulytau (30 billion cubic meters) are unprecedented sources of brackish fresh water. But so far the level of their use is very low.

The reservoirs available in the area collect spring snow water and allow it to be regularly used for household needs. The largest of them is the Kengir reservoir (water volume – 319 million cubic meters). At the same time, the Zhezdinsky (60 million cubic meters), Kumolinsky (4.5 million cubic meters) and Karsakpayskoye (1.2 million cubic meters) reservoirs are of great importance for the economy of the region.


Due to the fact that the Ulytau region has a sharply continental climate, the frost of Siberia is combined with the scorching heat of Central Asia. Winter in Ulytau is severe, and summer is hot. The average temperature in summer is +22 ºС, and in winter this figure is -22 ºС. The coldest month in the region is January, the average temperature in this month is -14 -16 ºС, but the absolute minimum drops to -42 -50 ºС. The hottest month of the year is July, its average temperature is +19-25 ºС, and the absolute minimum (maximum temperature) is +38-46 ºС. Accordingly, the annual course of air temperature (the sum of the lowest and highest temperatures) is 96 ºС.


The land of Ulytau is very rich in minerals. The reason for this is not only in the size of the land, but also in its geological structure. The underground resources of this region have been known since ancient times. The world-famous copper mine in Zhezkazgan was active approximately ten centuries before our era. In addition to copper, there is much evidence that gold, silver and tin were mined in this region during the Bronze Age. We can see it in the names of places in this region. For example, Zhezdi (a river with a lot of copper), Zhezkazgan (a copper mining site), Altynshoky (a mountain of gold), Korgasyntau (a mountain rich in lead) and others. The list of minerals that are mined or explored in the area is given in the table below. The ancient Ulytau region is one of the world’s largest sources of ore for roasting copper. The planned and comprehensive development of this wealth began in 1926. Copper mines are concentrated in the west and north of Satbaev. In the south of the region, the Zhamanaibat ore spring was put into operation. The ore mined in the vicinity of Zhezkazgan contains several very valuable and rare metals, such as gold, silver, rhenium, osmium, cadmium, bismuth, cobalt, which are rare and scattered.

Region-wide ferrous metal deposits are often concentrated in the Karsakbay area. It includes ore springs Balbyraun, Keregetas, Saztobe, Zhetykyz, Zhezdi and Naizatas. All of them were discovered by K. I. Satbaev before the Great Patriotic War. Later, on the southern side of Karsakbay, the Zhuantobe iron ore field was discovered. According to the results of the first exploration, its ore reserves amount to 8-10 billion dollars. It was supposed to reach tons. This means that Joantobe is the largest deposit in the world.

The Ulytau region ranks second in the country in terms of asbestos reserves, which belongs to the group of minerals without ores. 10 million about a ton. Other deposits of Airtau, Duisenbai, Shaitantas and Kumola are also known, located in the Ulytau region. These ore sources were taken into account and included in the state fund.

Ulytau region is rich in local building materials. There are great opportunities for the extraction of limestone in the area of the city of Zhezkazgan and the village of Zhezdi, gravel (quartz) sand in the area of the city of Satbaev and the valley of the Sarysu River, granite in the area of the poplar station.

Among the combustible minerals, brown coal was discovered in Ulytau, first in Baikonur and Kiyakty at the beginning of the 19th century, and its industrial significance was determined. In 1892-1910, Baikonur coal was used as the main fuel for the Zheleznovsky lead plant (in the village of Shenber), and in 1912-1918, 1928-1969 – for the Karsakbay copper smelter. In the 30s of the last century, K. I. Satbaev studied the Kiyakta brown coal basin and determined that its reserves amounted to more than 100 million tons. Today, the Kiyaktin field, which is being developed by a private enterprise, provides part of the region’s population with high-quality fuel.

Oil and gas are located in the Kumkol valley of the Ulytau region. Since a source of minerals was discovered in the Kyzylorda region, temporarily put into operation until 2017, its development is being carried out by the oilmen of this region. According to experts, there are 350 million tons of oil and 100 million cubic meters of natural gas here. Oil from Kumkol is connected to the Pavlodar-Shymkent and Atasu-Alashankou oil pipelines through the Kumkol-Karakoin-Sarysu-Atasu oil pipeline. There are very rare deposits in Ulytau, such as rosite (blue asbestos) in Kumol and piezoquartz and rock crystal in limestones. Rodusite is found throughout Eurasia only in this region of Ulytau.

List of international events:

The international music festival “Zhezkiyk” in Ulytau will be held in June-July. The festival “Zhezkiyk” is organized within the framework of the “Spiritual Revival” program for the wide promotion and popularization of the “Holy Lands of Kazakhstan” and “Motherland” projects. Folk groups from Turkey, Tajikistan, Russia, Poland, Peru, Mexico, France, Scotland, Japan and Kazakhstan took part in an important cultural program. The event, which lasted three day, gives the impression of the entry of the great steppe and gave the background to interethnic relations.

   Ethno-festival “Kokmaisa” – an ethno-festival, which is held in May in the center of the Ulytau region. Every year at the beginning of May, an event is held on the slopes of Ulytau, which coincides with the time of the dance. The purpose of the event is to popularize the profession and support local entrepreneurs and artisans. Within the framework of the festival, culinary competitions, master classes in woodworking, weaving of lashes and ropes, competitions of music, national songs and dances were organized.

Museums and national parks:

Zhezkazgan city:

“Zhezkazgan Historical and Archaeological Museum with an Exhibition Hall” KMKK, Alashakhana Street 22, inst.: zhez_museum, tel.: 87102737759, 87102764681.

“Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpaev”, Satpaev 1, tel.: 8 (7102) 748658.

Ulytau region:

National Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve “Ulytau” RMM

Institute: @ulytau_national_reserve_museum – Ulytau village, Bulkyshev street 14, tel.: +7 (71035) 2 13 42, 2 16 16.

“M. Museum of the History of Copper Mining and Smelting named after Toregeldin – Zhezdy village, tel.: 8(71034)21933, inst.: @muzei_zhezdy

“Museum – the house of K.I. Satbaev” in the village of Karsakbay – the village of Karsakbay

State National Natural Park “Ulytau” RMM, inst.:@ulytau.mutp – Ulytau village, Amankeldi street 1, tel.: +7 (71035) 2 11 61.

Zhanaarkinsky district:

Zhanaarkinsky regional museum of local history named after S. Seifullina – Zhanaarka village, inst.:@muzey_zhanaarka, tel.: +7 775 186 4478, S. Seifullin Ave., 26

Karaagash nature reserve.


Zhezkazgan city:

House rental centers (olx) – 7000-10000 tenge, +7 777 405 6921

Kengir – Deeva street 2, +7 (7102) 77 54 77

Cosmos – Abay street, 5, +7 (7102) 72 47 04

Baikonur – Esenberlin street 8, +7 (7102) 41 04 17

Samsung – st. Alashakhana, 34, +7 (7102) 74 43 75

Business center – Deeva street 3A, +7 (7102) 90 06 80

Metallurgist –

Count – Asylbekov street 8, +7 776 529 2929

Zhezkazgan city – 9 Seifulin street, +7 777 572 9201

Arai – Kurmanbaev street 19, +7 777 145 01 22

Satbaev city:

Ulytau – +7 777 046 2020

Send – +7 705 108 9939

Place of Hope – +7 (71063) 7 45 66

Satpayev city – +7 777 074 12 63

city of Karazhal:

Nauryz – Aliyev street 21, +7 705 229 1038

Business center – st. Quarter, 25, +7 778 941 2885

IP Artykbaeva – Momyshuly street 4, +7 705 251 8882

Ulytau region:

Ulytau – Abay street, 24, +7 705 587 0898

Makpal – +7 777 570 33 99

Kokmaisa – +7 776 546 4411

Zhanaarkinsky district:

Located on the highway Dostyk – Kyzylorda – Pavlodar.

Diana – Abay street 75

Indira – Baibosyn street 29/3

Eating places:

Zhezkazgan city:

Syba (national restaurant, average check 7000-10000 tenge) Instagram – Zhanasova 1B, 8707 340 4444

Golden Family (author’s restaurant, average bill 7,000-10,000 tenge) – Garyshkerker 41, 8778 708 6770

Central (restaurant of European cuisine, average check 5000-8000 tenge) @centralzhezkazgan – Mira 26G, 87700210001

Maestro (oriental restaurant, average bill 7000-10000 tenge) @maestro.zhezkazgan – Satpaeva 1A, 8705 480 3411

Ahmad (Eurasian cuisine, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) @kafe_ahmad – Satpayeva 68, 8707 804 7282

Safi dessert (breakfast, coffee house, average bill 3000-5000 tenge) @safi.dessert — Seifullina 39/4, 8705 622 6664

Orta coffee (coffee house, average check 3000-5000 tenge) @ortacoffeee – Cosmonauts 19, 8776 719 8846

Global coffee (coffee house, average bill 3000-5000 tenge) @globalcoffee_zhezkazgan — Kosmonavtov 1, 8708 610 2428

Delicious pilaf center (pilaf center, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) – Zhanasova 1B

Love sushi Zhezkazgan (Korean restaurant 5000-7000 tenge) @love_sushi_zhezkazgan_satpaev – Omarova 11, 8707 907 6581

Satbaev city:

Honey (restaurant, average check 7000-10000 tenge) @medrestoran – Shatalyuka, 20A, 8776 224 1284

Lapisa (oriental restaurant, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) @lapisa.sat – 8747 531 0195, 8707 531 0195

Love sushi Satpaev (Korean restaurant, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) @love_sushi_zhezkazgan_satpaev — Kusaynova 4, 8776 509 3100

Insan (restaurant of European cuisine, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) @insan.sat – Abaya 64B, 8705 305 5464

I’m on you (European restaurant, cafe, average bill 5000-7000 tenge) @ya_zhe_na_ty – Muratbaeva 28, 8701 888 3385

city of Karazhal:

Keruen (cafe, average bill 2000-3000 tenge) @kafe_keruen_karajal – Abaya 12-1, 8705 137 1124

Orda (cafe, average check 2000-3000 tenge) @kafe_orda_official – Toimbekova 11, 8777 683 6135

Nauryz (cafe, average check 2000-3000 tenge) @kafe.nauryz Green 20, 8771 284 2533

Zhanaarkinsky district:

Restaurant Atasu (cafe, average bill 1500-3000) – Kyzylorda-Pavlodar highway, 8775 462 0838

Aisha (oriental cuisine, average bill 1500-3000) – 87089162163, 87087398795, st. Baibosynova, 26-2.

Zhanbolat (cafe, average check 2000-3000 tenge) – Kyzylorda-Palodar highway, 8705 216 1199

Ulytau region:

Ulytau kitchen (cafe, average bill 2000-3000 tenge) – 8705 587 0898

Restaurant Ulytau (fast food, cafe, average bill 2000-3000 tenge) – 8705 574 4515

Emergency services:

Fire Department – 101

Police – 102

Emergency Service – 103

Gas distribution – 104

Rescue Service Emergencies – 112

Zhezkazgan city:

Telephone code: +7 7102

Postcode: 100000, 100600

Railway station Zhezkazgan +7 707 270 3664

Zhezkazgan bus station +7 (7102) 72 4009

Akimat of Ulytau region +7 (7102) 73 6594

Taxi “9 region”, mobile application +7 (7102) 90 0999

Taxi “Phaeton” +7 (7102) 71 0000, +7 707 571 0000

Mobile application of the taxi service “Indriver”.

Satbaev city:

Taxi “9 region”, service +7 777 000 9990, +7 702 000 9990

Taxi “Nur” +7 (71063) 39 393, +7 (71063) 40 101, +7 705 179 9393

Taxi service “Indriver”

Akimat of Ulytau region: +7 (7102) 736356

Zhezkazgan City Akimat: +7 (7102) 73 6594

Satpayev city administration: +7 (71063) 3 3636

Karazhal city administration: +7 (71032) 2 6010

Ulytau regional administration: +7 (71035) 2 1339

Administration of Zhanaarka district: +7 (71030) 2 6101